Weight Loss

Simple Hydration Tips After Bariatric Surgery

After undergoing bariatric surgery, it is crucial to pay close attention to your hydration levels. This is because the surgery can significantly affect your body's capacity to absorb and retain water. Not drinking sufficient water can lead to dehydration, which can cause various health issues. In this article, we will explore some simple hydration tips that you can follow after bariatric surgery to stay hydrated and healthy. Importance of Hydration Post-Surgery It is essential to maintain proper hydration after surgery, as it supports various bodily functions and impacts overall health. Staying hydrated can improve digestion, enhance metabolism, help manage body...

Periodontal Disease That Compromises Your Gum And Bone Health

Your gums are an essential component that makes up the periodontium, providing anchorage and support to the teeth. Healthy gums maintain the integrity of your oral cavity and enhance your facial aesthetics due to their scalloping shape. However, any infection affecting the gums can negatively impact your oral health. This is known as periodontal disease. Periodontal disease can be effectively diagnosed and managed through our skilled family dentist in Upland, CA, which helps improve your oral health and well-being.   What is periodontal disease? Periodontal disease, or gum disease, is any infection or inflammation of the supporting structures surrounding the tooth,...

Dental Care for Adolescents – How to Make it Right

Dental care should be the priority because it can improve your overall health. We don’t know how poor oral care can put us at risk of serious diseases. The bacteria can travel to different parts of the body and heart at the same time. It is highly recommended to contact someone who has done dental practice in the Park Slope area of Brooklyn, New York. He can analyze dental health and suggest the best remedy even when it has not developed in your mouth. ‘Prevention is better than cure’ should be kept in mind. How young people can stay healthy?...